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Diamanda La Berge Dramm

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  • Will Graefe - North America nr. 2

  • Caterina Barbieri - Math of You

  • Luke Deane - Changed

  • Diamanda La Berge Dramm - Chimp is who

  • Southeast of Rain 东南有雨 - Day 11 Three Pipe Percussionists 水管乐

  • Ryuichi Sakamoto - Plastic Bamboo

  • KONG - Yellow King Walking to Take Revenge


Humans behind episode #543 👩👨

Curator: ImaCrea Writer: ImaCrea Illustrator: Camille Célestin

Fresh music selected without compromises, since 2011 💎

MailTape is a nonprofit art collective run by volunteers united by their love for music. We are committed to offering an experience that respects you: ethical design, 100% human curation, no ads, no external trackers.

We are volunteers ✊

Your donation helps keeping Mailtape alive and improving it.

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I ❤️ MailTape

This morning, we’re welcoming Diamanda La Berge Dramm as our guest. Known as one of the leading contemporary classical music performers of her generation, I had the chance to discover her performing in recent pieces by Susanne Kennedy showcased in Paris. Her portrayal of Einstein in the famous opera piece Einstein on the Beach, composed by Philip Glass, was one of my musical highlights of 2023.

It’s a great honor to have her with us this morning, as she unveils some of her precious musical gems in this episode—a selection filled with poetry, inventiveness, and a deep desire to embrace life.

Diamanda La Berge Dramm’s selection

Will Graefe - North America nr. 2

Diamanda La Berge Dramm: Will Graefe is a guitarist I went to school with who starting singing in recent years. I follow him because he tours with some of my favourite artists (eg Joan as Policewoman). His touch on the guitar is something I can’t quite describe, like a confidentiality - anyway, it’s a quality I aim for on the violin.

Caterina Barbieri - Math of You

Diamanda La Berge Dramm: Caterina Barbieri is an artist whose music I came across recently when I went to see the play EXTRA LIFE by Gisele Vienne. She wrote the music and it blew me away, so I’ve been listening to her since then.

Luke Deane - Changed

Diamanda La Berge Dramm: Luke Deane is a really good friend, and this gorgeous track sums him up for me, as much as a piece of music could..

MailTape’s selection

Diamanda La Berge Dramm - Chimp is who

ImaCrea: This track comes from her first album, Chimp, resulting from a collaboration with UK poet SJ Fowler. Diamanda La Berge Dramm is taking us on a journey across new musical territories where all sounds made by living beings can mix with each other. An introduction to a world where the notions of nature and culture are intertwined, and the frontier between humans and animals, plants, bacteria… is fading away.

Southeast of Rain 东南有雨 - Day 11 Three Pipe Percussionists 水管乐

ImaCrea: I find this piece by the duo Southeast of Rain fitting perfectly with the atmosphere set by the previous track. It’s as if we continue walking in the forest drawn by Diamanda La Berge Dramm.

Ryuichi Sakamoto - Plastic Bamboo

ImaCrea: The forest is showing acid colors like we’ve never seen before now. This track comes from the first album by Ryuichi Sakamoto, released just before he joined Yellow Magic Orchestra. A true visionary piece of electronic music that I can’t stop listening to in a loop these days.

KONG - Yellow King Walking to Take Revenge

ImaCrea: Are we seeing an exit? Or are we entering another forest? The tempo is different, the temperature is warmer. Let’s keep walking. Always.

And that’s a wrap, everyone! We appreciate your company and can’t wait to embark on the next leg of our musical journey. Special thanks to Diamanda La Berge Dramm for sharing her inspiring selection. A huge shout-out to the talented Camille Celestin for her remarkable illustration! Until next Sunday, stay tuned.

Humans behind episode #543 🤗

Curator: ImaCrea Writer: ImaCrea Illustrator: Camille Célestin

Fresh music selected without compromises, since 2011 💎

MailTape is a nonprofit art collective run by volunteers united by their love for music. We are committed to offering an experience that respects you: ethical design, 100% human curation, no ads, no external trackers.

We are volunteers ✊

Your donation helps keeping Mailtape alive and improving it.

Make a donation 🙌

I ❤️ MailTape