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INO hidefumi

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  • Timmy Thomas - Why Can't We Live Together

  • INO hidefumi, Jean Touitou - It's All Over Now Baby Blue

  • William DeVaughn - Be Thankful For What You Got

  • INO hidefumi - IN DREAMS

  • Will Sprott - Psychic Lady

  • Sachiko Kanenobu - Anata Kara Toku E (Far Away From You)

  • r mccarthy - Jyoti


Humans behind episode #498 👩👨

Curator: Sarah Writer: Sarah Illustrator: Meriam Kharbat

Fresh music selected without compromises, since 2011 💎

MailTape is a nonprofit art collective run by volunteers united by their love for music. We are committed to offering an experience that respects you: ethical design, 100% human curation, no ads, no external trackers.

We are volunteers ✊

Your donation helps keeping Mailtape alive and improving it.

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I ❤️ MailTape

This morning, with a special joy we welcome Tokyo-based jazz and electronic artist INO hidefumi to MailTape. Known for eclectic tastes and textured sounds, INO’s thoughtful selection offers an easy treading into the morning hours.

INO hidefumi’s style stretches from electronic to jazz to ambient music, melding aspects of all these genres in the process. INO joins us following the release of his dark and mellow jazz-electro album, In Dreams. This album, like all those before it, was released through his label Innocent Records, a pioneer of the one artist-one label movement. Through this release and the ones of the past years, INO urges us “Don’t Listen, Feel!” embracing a love of music that transcends technicalities or pretension. It’s with this attitude that he joins us this morning :)

INO hidefumi’s selection

Timmy Thomas - Why Can’t We Live Together

INO hidefumi: Lyrics that resonate with the present day. And also the intro has such impressive sounds with Rhythm Box “MAESTRO RHYTHM KING” - so loved by Sly Stone and Shuggie Otis. It’s been 50 years since it was released in 1972. When will it be a peaceful world? For love we live and die.

INO hidefumi, Jean Touitou - It’s All Over Now Baby Blue

INO hidefumi: A mini-album co-written with Jean Touitou, who is A.P.C.’s designer and a friend of mine. When I visited Paris we recorded it in the studio in the basement of his atelier. I had a good time taking a walk in Montmartre in the rain and going to a recommended nightclub. Listening to this song makes me want to go back to Paris to see him.

William DeVaughn - Be Thankful For What You Got

INO hidefumi: A masterpiece that is covered by various musicians and transcends races and generations. It contains universal metaphors and statements.

MailTape’s selection

INO hidefumi - IN DREAMS

Sarah: Incredibly difficult work to choose just one song from INO’s impressive and extensive discography. This track is the namesake of INO’s latest album release. Entranced by the silky texture in this track… Ino’s grounded vocals are a wonderful compliment to the jazzy soundscapes Ino creates with such ease. Truly a dream with the Fender Rhodes piano and this magnetic bassline, the track is aptly named :)

Will Sprott - Psychic Lady

Sarah: From one of my favorite albums of the moment! The jaunty percussives stretching through this track are beyond delightful, love the folk vocal harmonies swaying alongside each other.

Sachiko Kanenobu - Anata Kara Toku E (Far Away From You)

Sarah: This 1972 track from Sachiko Kanenobu has such timeless vibrance to it, I had to include it in our morning’s selection. Really love these analog psychedelic accents, a wonderful mix.

r mccarthy - Jyoti

Sarah: A healing synth track to close out this playlist of new and found again discoveries :) I could be anywhere and this song would feel like an embrace, I hope it strikes you the same way.

That wraps up this morning’s selection! As always, thank you for joining us. Our love to INO hidefumi for his delightful Sunday discoveries, and our thanks to Meriam Kharbat for this episode’s fantastic illustration!

Humans behind episode #498 🤗

Curator: Sarah Writer: Sarah Illustrator: Meriam Kharbat

Fresh music selected without compromises, since 2011 💎

MailTape is a nonprofit art collective run by volunteers united by their love for music. We are committed to offering an experience that respects you: ethical design, 100% human curation, no ads, no external trackers.

We are volunteers ✊

Your donation helps keeping Mailtape alive and improving it.

Make a donation 🙌

I ❤️ MailTape