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Guillaume Teyssier

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  • Caetano Veloso - Maria Bethania

  • Deux - Game and Performance

  • Mogollar (Les Mogols) - Muzik Mogollar

  • Guillaume Teyssier - Give It Up

  • Tek.lun - Les Elephants

  • Sabrina Rich - Smooth Operator (Duckcomb discomix)

  • Wolf Müller meets the Nile Project - Mabomba Dance


Humans behind episode #351 👩👨

Curator: ImaCrea Writer: ImaCrea Illustrator: Camille Célestin

Fresh music selected without compromises, since 2011 💎

MailTape is a nonprofit art collective run by volunteers united by their love for music. We are committed to offering an experience that respects you: ethical design, 100% human curation, no ads, no external trackers.

We are volunteers ✊

Your donation helps keeping Mailtape alive and improving it.

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I ❤️ MailTape

This morning we welcome Guillaume Teyssier from the great Tigersushi Record label. He accepted our invitation to come and play live at our MailTape Live 3rd edition at the Popup… on next Saturday! (tickets almost sold out!)

Even though my memory can be pretty bad in many occasions, one thing I remember very clearly is the feeling I had when I discovered Guillaume Teyssier’s music. It was a year ago but the sensation is still fresh. What an instant crush! I remember calling his work “an act of resistance” back in the days when I shared one of his track on episode 299.

I am very honored to complete his selection and I wish you’ll enjoy as much pleasure listening to this episode as I had curating it. Embark on an eclectic trip across various musical islands spanning waves through parallel worlds of art and soul.

Guillaume Teyssier’s selection

Caetano Veloso - Maria Bethania

Guillaume Teyssier: Caetano a enregistré la chanson à Londres, fuyant la dictature militaire au Brésil. Nostalgique de son pays et de sa famille, il demande des nouvelles de sa soeur « Maria Bethania, please send me a letter.. » J’aime la façon dont la tension se relâche à l’ouverture du refrain avec l’arrivée des strings. Magnifique cover par le regretté Scott Walker.

Deux - Game and Performance

Guillaume Teyssier: Deux « Game and Performance » Très bon titre du duo français injustement passé inaperçu. J’aime l’utilisation des synthés monophoniques, c’est minimaliste et un peu inquiétant

Mogollar (Les Mogols) - Muzik Mogollar

Guillaume Teyssier: Le morceau s’ouvre par un violon lancinant bientôt rejoint par le piano et une basse hypnotique qui sature légèrement, on se retrouve transporté aux confins de l’Anatolie , il y a parfois un côté progressif dans leur musique qui fait que les Mogols sont un peu les Goblins turcs.

MailTape’s selection

Guillaume Teyssier - Give It Up

ImaCrea: I love the chorus in this one. Let go and self control, the difficult balance to achieve in order to create something truly new. Confusion is essential to tear up the mask of reality and break conventional laws of representation. Then, control is needed to create while staying faithful to your inner vision till you are truly satisfied with the work.

Tek.lun - Les Elephants

ImaCrea: Classic Tek.lun mindtrip. A great door opener to a groovy confusion.

Sabrina Rich - Smooth Operator (Duckcomb discomix)

ImaCrea: It sounded like a joke at first but then I got sucked into it. Very rare gem, I love this kind of surprise. It reminds me the feeling one might get when lost in an unknown city you end up entering in a random café packed with lovely peole surrounded by a surprisingly kitsh decoration in a warm atmosphere smelling the taste of delicious food cooked with love.

Wolf Müller meets the Nile Project - Mabomba Dance

ImaCrea: Love how this track builds up almost organically.

That’s it for this morning. Thank you so much for being with us every Sunday, keep sharing the good vibes. Thanks so much to Guillaume Teyssier (whom I can’t wait to see next Saturday!) and to Joakim for the picture which inspired Celestin for her stunning illustration. Finnaly, a quick suggestion for today. Send a peom to a friend :)

Humans behind episode #351 🤗

Curator: ImaCrea Writer: ImaCrea Illustrator: Camille Célestin

Fresh music selected without compromises, since 2011 💎

MailTape is a nonprofit art collective run by volunteers united by their love for music. We are committed to offering an experience that respects you: ethical design, 100% human curation, no ads, no external trackers.

We are volunteers ✊

Your donation helps keeping Mailtape alive and improving it.

Make a donation 🙌

I ❤️ MailTape