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Jerry Paper

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Humans behind episode #327 👩👨

Curator: Inès Writer: Inès Illustrator: Camille Célestin

Fresh music selected without compromises, since 2011 💎

MailTape is a nonprofit art collective run by volunteers united by their love for music. We are committed to offering an experience that respects you: ethical design, 100% human curation, no ads, no external trackers.

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I ❤️ MailTape

This morning, please welcome Jerry Paper’s eclectic selection. Jerry Paper is Lucas Nathan, an American artist from Los Angeles. Jerry Paper’s music is multi-faceted: quirky, cartoonish, dystopian, out-of-this-world, melancholic, ironic. It’s witty and stays graceful at all times. Jerry Paper released their latest album two days ago, check it out.

This morning, things are soft, chill, funny and deconstructed. Are you ready to enter Jerry Paper’s musical multiverse? Hope you’ll enjoy the trip.

Jerry Paper’s selection

Matty - Every Moment I Live To Come

Jerry Paper: Matty Tavares makes very excellent music outside of his role as piano man in Badbadnotgood, and he helped produce my upcoming LP. Here he embodies 90s chill-groove in his own unique way and I think it’s a nice mellow way to start the day.

Noah Wall - John Cage Laughing

Jerry Paper: Noah Wall is one of the most interesting and excellent people I’ve had the pleasure of being friends with. When I lived in New York we had a club called the Nacho Research Center where we would investigate the limits of the definition of “nacho”, which often means translating non-nacho dishes into nacho form. The epitome of this is Noah’s Shrimp Scampi Nachos. Anyway, I love him dearly, and equally love his sonic experiments. I considered putting his field recordings of Guitar Center here (just as hectic and insane as you would imagine) but figured there could be no better way to start a Sunday morning than listening to a roughly 40 minute string of samples of John Cage laughing.

Macula Dog - I Make Lake

Jerry Paper: Macula Dog is quite possibly my favorite current band. This song is the manifestation of your Sunday morning hangover. Enjoy.

MailTape’s selection

Jerry Paper - Halfway Zen

Inès: Jerry Paper is… versatility. I’ve actually discovered them with MailTape (thanks Aldous RH and Hector Gachan!) and I’ve been impressed by the different musical genres they take on while maintaining their identity. But the thing I love the most in their music is its realness. Their lyrics are smart, honest, and they know how to sing about feelings without making it too whiny or awkward. Their music is a gentle reminder that life is absurd and that nothing really matters (but in a good way).

yungatita - Bedroom

Inès: It has been a while since I’ve listened to a song on repeat. This song is so filling, so calming, so dreamy. Hazes of pastel blue and pink and yellow. A spring Sunday morning surrounded by cherry blossoms.

Ross From Friends - John Cage

Inès: Alright, another John Cage themed song. Extremely chill song turning out a bit more nightmarish at the end. It layers out so nicely though. Plus, seagull sounds are always nice to hear.

Avventur - Lise

Inès: I wanted to mirror Jerry Paper’s last pick with a kind of similar one. I’ve inadvertently liked a few Avventur songs before realising that they were from the same artist. I honestly wouldn’t be able to describe what their music is. It’s cool. This track feels like moving forward when facing super strong winds.

That’s it for this morning. As alwaysn thanks so much for listening! Big love to Jerry Paper for his great selection, and to Camille Céléstin for the amazing illustration! Have a colourful Sunday!

Humans behind episode #327 🤗

Curator: Inès Writer: Inès Illustrator: Camille Célestin

Fresh music selected without compromises, since 2011 💎

MailTape is a nonprofit art collective run by volunteers united by their love for music. We are committed to offering an experience that respects you: ethical design, 100% human curation, no ads, no external trackers.

We are volunteers ✊

Your donation helps keeping Mailtape alive and improving it.

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I ❤️ MailTape