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Nicolas Michaux

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  • Andy Shauf - The Magician

  • Soft Hair - Lying Has to Stop

  • Robbing Millions - 8 is the Figure that I Like the Most

  • Nicolas Michaux - A la Vie, à la Mort

  • Alex Cameron - She's mine

  • I Have a Tribe - After We Meet

  • Weekend Affair - Duel Part. 2


Humans behind episode #231 👩👨

Curator: Maxime Writer: Maxime Illustrator: William Girault

Fresh music selected without compromises, since 2011 💎

MailTape is a nonprofit art collective run by volunteers united by their love for music. We are committed to offering an experience that respects you: ethical design, 100% human curation, no ads, no external trackers.

We are volunteers ✊

Your donation helps keeping Mailtape alive and improving it.

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I ❤️ MailTape

This morning, we offer you a romantic Mailtape, and a romantic artist. Nicolas Michaux is a Belgian singer who remind us the glory days of cheezy french or Italian pop songs. In “A la Vie, à la Mort”, the romantism of Nicolas Michaux is tinted of melancolic mood, with falsely naive lyrics. Dominique A. et Etienne Daho resonate in Nicolas Michaux’s music. (For all our non-french followers, I also recommand you to listen those two legendary french singer.) Poetry and lo-fi instrumental is the perfect blend in “A la Vie, à la mort”, the blend that transform this song in a heady treasure that you’ll cherish for a long time.

Nicolas Michaux’s romantic selection:

  • Andy Shauf - The Magician

Nicolas Michaux: “Crafted, roots and elegant. There’s a sheer love of sound in andy shauf’s work - obviously a very talented songwriter.”

  • Soft Hair - Lying Has to Stop

N.M. : “Amazing track. Smooth and sexy. It’s also my tour crew’s absolute favorite video at the moment.”

  • Robbing Millions - 8 is the Figure that I Like the Most

N.M. : “One of the coolest bands of the Brussels scene. I saw them live a few days ago - terrific show. This song will stay with you for days…”

Mailtape’s romantic selection

  • Nicolas Michaux - A la Vie, à la Mort

Maxime: _“There is the instrumental, soft, naïve, crescendo, eclectic, directly imported from the eigties, from France or Italy. And there are the lyrics, dreamy and elegant. Then, there is the candid and sincere voice of Nicolas Michaux. Those 3 elements create an exceptionally successful song. _

  • Alex Cameron - She’s Mine

M: Alex Cameron is a nut. He also go talent, and it took two years for the world to recognize it. Out in 2014, his first album is republished this year by a tasty label. All songs are weirds and beautiful at once.

  • I Have a Tribe - After We Meet

M.: A Piano / Voice balade like there is few of them now. Last year Tobias Jesso Jr. tried to resurrected this style of composing. This year it’sI h Have a Tribes’s turn. Look out his first album, it’ll be you’re best winter’s companion.

  • Weekend Affair - Duel Part. 2

M.: A pure electro-pop song to conclude. Out from Yuksek’s label before summer 2016, i’ve just discover Weekend Affair. Or, RE-discover, becouse the band used to sing in English before there last EP, where Duel Part. 2 is come from, and it’s a done deal ! I hope they’ll continue to sing in French.

That’s all folks! Thanks to Nicolas Michaux for his selection. I invite you to buy his first album ! We hope you enjoyed this episode. Have a nice day Folks!

Humans behind episode #231 🤗

Curator: Maxime Writer: Maxime Illustrator: William Girault

Fresh music selected without compromises, since 2011 💎

MailTape is a nonprofit art collective run by volunteers united by their love for music. We are committed to offering an experience that respects you: ethical design, 100% human curation, no ads, no external trackers.

We are volunteers ✊

Your donation helps keeping Mailtape alive and improving it.

Make a donation 🙌

I ❤️ MailTape